Justin Voss

Software Engineer

I spend my days creating software at Apple, and I occassionally write or make videos that I share here.

You can follow me on Bluesky, Mastodon, or email me at justin@justinvoss.com.

Writings and Videos

Subscribe via Atom or JSON Feed.


Smart Soda Fridge — My project to build a custom smart thermostat for a glass-door fridge.


Media Diet Quarantine Edition — Things I've been reading and watching while socially isolating.

Media Diet New Year Edition — Things I read and watched in January 2020.

PCI Lookup Over DNS — (Ab)using DNS for things other than domain names.


Website Redesign 2018 — New design: watch out for wet paint.


JSON Feed — A brief announcement about a new feed format for this site.


Maui — I put together a little video of some drone footage in Hawaii.

Drone Day Afternoon — A quick drone flight through the park.

Solstice Sunset — The sunset tonight was too good not to take the drone out and capture it from the air.

Stevens Creek Reservoir — Trying out the drone in a new spot.


Multiple Yeti Microphones — Yeti microphones need some configuration to play nice together.


Low Earth Orbit — A behind-the-scenes look at how we produce our podcast.

Twenty Twelve — The year in review.


Skip Tunes for Mac


2011 by the Numbers

Discover Django Servers with Bonjour

Smoothing Data with Low-Pass Filters

Custom UIFont Gotchas

Simple Desktops for Mac

Creating and Consuming Data Sources in UIKit

Talking About Fabric at CoMoRichWeb

Intro to Delegation - Core Location and Address Book UI

Cocoa's Target-Action Pattern